Are Supplements Doing You More Harm Than Good?
MARCH 27, 2017 by OLIVIA NEELY, RDN, LD The quick answer is: it depends. Are you getting supplements that contain a potentially dangerous combination of fillers and questionable ingredients? Then yes, these might not be helping you reach your health goals… and what a
How I’m Quieting the Voice in My Head With Minimalistic Living
ARCH 9, 2017 by OLIVIA NEELY, RDN, LD Okay, I’m just going to be honest and tell you all that I get overwhelmed sometimes with everything I think I need to do. I usually manage it pretty well, but lately I’ve had a little
Why I Hate the Heat, but Did a 30-Day Bikram Challenge
JANUARY 13, 2017 by DR. HEATHER MODAY, MD I never thought of myself as an athlete. Running makes me feel like my body is decaying one step at a time and I never participated in sports (hate competition). It might surprise people then
Embracing change and applying it to your life
NOVEMBER 16, 2016 by OLIVIA NEELY, RDN, LD It’s that time of year again: when one season evolves into another and brings with it a whole new beauty to the day. After living in Texas for the past few years I for one
Is your Beauty Regimen Making you Sick?
NOVEMBER 11, 2016 by DR. HEATHER MODAY, MD I spend a lot of time talking with my clients about how toxins in our environment cause damage to our bodies. This damage can manifest as all sorts of symptoms including headaches, weight gain, rashes, brain
Got Sleep??
MARCH 9, 2015 by DR. HEATHER MODAY, MD “The bed is a bundle of paradoxes: we go to it with reluctance, yet we quit it with regret; we make up our minds every night to leave it early, but we make up our