The Vital Connection: Why Friendships Matter More As We Age
The Vital Connection: Why Friendships Matter More As We Age Did you know your social fitness is as necessary as your physical fitness? In our quest for health and longevity, we meticulously count calories, track our steps, and take supplements. Yet we
Are Your Hormones Wrecking Your Sleep?
How to optimize your sleep during perimenopause and menopause. Sleep is a cornerstone of your health. If you’ve ever been sleep deprived for any number of reasons you’ve experienced how it’s fundamental to your physical, mental, and emotional health. Yet, many
How To Have Your Most Productive Month Ever By Charting Your Cycle
Did you know that by simply understanding which menstrual phase you are in throughout your monthly cycle can help to maximize efficiency, productivity, communication and mood? In fact, being strictly compliant to one single day-to-day routine all month long might
Nurturing the Nest (part 1)
JANUARY 22, 2019 by OLIVIA NEELY, RDN, LD We are so happy to feature this pre-conception preparation guest post from Caroline Grace Ashurst, M.Ac., Dipl.Ac., founder of Restorative Harmony Acupuncture. Caroline is passionate about Women’s Health & Fertility. She helps facilitate support, empowerment, and transformation
Osteoporosis Treatment: It’s Not Just About Calcium
JANUARY 20, 2019 by DR. HEATHER MODAY, MD Osteoporosis literally means “porous bone”. It is a state in which the density and quality of bone is reduced. As bones become more porous and fragile, the risk of fracture is greatly increased. This process
“I am a different person because of the Moday Center!”
SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 by OLIVIA NEELY, RDN, LD “I feel like a different person. When I started at the Moday Center, my hypothyroidism was causing symptoms like hair loss, brittle nails, weight gain, and a general depressive mood. I didn’t feel like myself,
Three Tests Your Doctor Should Be Ordering But Isn’t
AUGUST 14, 2018 by DR. HEATHER MODAY, MD As part of every work up with a patient, I order testing for vitamin and mineral levels. After reviewing the tests, my patients are often shocked. They often ask-” Why doesn’t my doctor order vitamin
Podcast: Dr. Heather Moday on Functional and Integrative Medicine.
Recovering from 35 Years of Asthma, Arthritis, Hypothyroidism, and Gastrointestinal Issues
FEBRUARY 1, 2018 by OLIVIA NEELY, RDN, LD “The key has been finding the cause and not treating just the symptoms!” In the New Year, we’ve decided to bring you real stories of real people who have found healing through the Moday Center. Today,
When does Functional Medicine fail?
JANUARY 23, 2016 by DR. HEATHER MODAY, MD So I loved the original Rocky from 1976 and I am looking forward to seeing Creed when I get around to it. In general, I love a story about overcoming obstacles and reaching your goals against