As the first face you see, when you enter the office, I always aim to welcome clients with a warm smile and heart.
I firmly believe in what we do here at The Moday Center because I’ve experienced the effects of healing naturally and holistically. As a preteen I exhibited all the symptoms for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). It took 5 years for someone to suggest this as a possibility and initially medication was the only advice. At 36, it is something I have been dealing with for 20+ years and it was only when I started treating my entire body (exercising 4+ days a week and minimizing starchy carbs) that I was able to get closer to feeling comfortable in my own skin. Finding the time is not easy, but I make it a priority because it is important to me.
I’m now an avid ‘Classpasser’, trying fitness classes I never thought I would be able to do. I enjoy sampling and cooking ALL the vegan goods, as well as cuddling with my rescue pugs, Buster and Banjo.
It is my goal to help new and pre-existing patients feel at home. While we have over 200 patients, I make sure that it never feels that way. I may not be able to interpret a test but being able to put someone at ease and start with a friendly chat can set someone up for success or even just a better day.